How Come I'm Not Married to Keanu Reeves Yet?

We’ve all seen the pictures in our Instagram feeds.

The happy, glowing couple, along with a caption gushing about how they are each other’s soulmates. Meanwhile, you’re sitting there wondering why it's so hard for you. There has to be more to it than just asking and receiving.

There is more to it but it isn’t hard. In fact, it’s as natural as breathing. I put together a Manifesting ToolKit with some easy tips that can help you tap into the power of the universe and bring what is yours into your life.

Discover What You Really Want

If you don’t know what you want, how can you expect to call it into your life? I found that one the easiest ways to set my intentions is to write a letter to the Universe. Just let it flow out of you, and don't be afraid to dream big!

Fill Your Life with Positive People and Thoughts

One of the first steps to creating the life you want is to surround yourself with positivity. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive it in return.

Focus on the Good Things in Your Life

When we talk about positive people, we often think about those who are always happy. But in reality, they have learned to find joy even when they are facing problems.

The key to being more positive is to stop focusing on what you don't like and start focusing on what you do. To learn how to be more positive, stay focused on your goals and don’t let other people’s opinions distract you.

Create a Plan that Empowers You to Achieve Your Dreams Faster

Do you dream about finding that “perfect” job, making a significant change in their current work situation, or becoming an entrepreneur?

Think about what you want your dream career to look like. What are the specific elements that would make it a perfect fit? Next, write down what it is that really excites you about this career or what really motivates you in your desired work environment.

Then create an action list of the things you need to do in order for these items on your wish list to come true. At the top of your list should be researching and learning about business leaders you admire.

Visualize Yourself Reaching your Goals Peacefully and Happily Every Day

The power of visualization is so strong that it can change your life in a way that traditional affirmations can't. Visualize yourself being successful and seeing the success all around you.


Is it Fear or Intiution Talking?


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