Be Open to Unexpected Gifts

What are your rituals for celebrating the end of one year and welcoming in the new?

I like to end the year by writing a letter to my future self and expressing my hopes, dreams, and plans. It's a New Year's Day tradition I have with my best friend. We also read through the letters from the previous year and discuss how they reflect what happened.

No matter my state of mind on the day I wrote the letter, I am always filled with optimism about the months ahead. Even If some of my plans and dreams seem like a running joke with the universe, hope always springs eternal that this will be the year [fill in the blank].

The other amazing thing is that there are always so many gifts I received during the course of the year that I never asked for. Maybe I added people to my social circle who fill my life with love and fun. Maybe I took an unexpected trip that allowed me to spend time with family and friends. Maybe I found a new passion project that brought me success. It is always those unexpected things that bring me the most joy.

I've learned over the years that there's no way of planning your future. You might want something to happen right now, but if the timing is wrong, it just won't happen. And sometimes, the most incredible things happen to you without you ever imagining them. So long as you stay open, you'll be surprised by what comes your way.

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!


Self-Care During The Holidays


Who Am I?