Astrology & Intuition: Perfect Together

If you've had a reiki session with me, you know that I follow my intuition to communicate with my clients. If you ever sensed something before it happened, you are familiar with intuition. It's the ability to perceive things beyond your five senses.

You may not know that I also look to the stars for guidance. I'm fascinated by the relationships between people and events on earth, the cycles movements of the planets, and how they influence people's lives. Together, intuition and astrology can help you make decisions about love or career. I use them as guiding lights along my spiritual path.

When you develop your intuition, you start to tap into the spirit accompanying you throughout your everyday life. Your senses will pick up smells and sounds, and you may even see things that you'll put down to logical reasoning. But if you open yourself up to what you are receiving, it can profoundly impact your life.

It's essential to connect with your highest self and know that you are at one with all around you. You are a spiritual being having a human experience; This is a natural part of life. Be open and let astrology and your intuition guide you!


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