Simple Ways to Live a Happier Life

If you want to be happier, what’s standing in your way? Maybe you’re unsure what the word means and how to achieve it.

According to Charles M. Schultz, the creator of the Peanuts comic strip, happiness is a warm puppy. Many psychologists and philosophers define it as positive emotions and fulfillment.

It also comes from within and is available to you each moment. You don’t have to wait to earn more money or find a romantic partner.

Resolve to be happier starting today. Try these simple suggestions for making your life more joyful and satisfying.

Appreciating Small Pleasures

Gratitude increases happiness, so remember to be thankful. Notice the fortunate events that occur each day, and keep a journal to record them. You can start with some of these ideas.

Experience nature. Spend more time outdoors. Go to a park during lunch, and walk around your neighborhood after dinner. Learn about your local wildlife and plants. Grow your food and flowers.

Savor your food. Food can be nutritious and delicious. Make mealtimes special with candles and tablecloths.

Laugh and play. Do things just for the fun of it. Play charades and board games. Sing karaoke and dance. Watch funny cat videos and forward them to your friends. Collect wind-up toys and troll dolls. Whatever makes you happy.

Splash around. You probably love water. Swim in a pool or run through the spray from a garden hose. Add a fountain or koi pond to your backyard. Upgrade your showerhead or soak in a bubble bath. 

Read a book. The average adult spends 90.4% more time watching TV than reading, according to the research group WordsRated. Turn off your devices, and pick up a novel. Reading stimulates your mind and engages your senses.

Give generously. Enjoy the warm glow that comes with helping others. Volunteer in your community. Shovel snow for your neighbors or bring in their trash cans. Send gifts and cards for no special occasion.

Receive graciously. Let others know how much their kindness means to you. Write thank you letters and respond enthusiastically to compliments.

Living Purposefully

Fleeting pleasures are important, but deeper fulfillment requires some effort. Find your mission, and make it a reality. 

Clarify your priorities. What do you want your legacy to be? Identify your passions and core values. Focus your attention on a few projects at a time. 

Set goals. Give yourself something to strive for each day. Make your goals specific and compelling. Develop concrete action plans and evaluate your progress. Enjoy the journey, and celebrate your successes.

Build your confidence. Sometimes, we know what we want but are afraid to go after it. Remember your achievements, and reframe your self-limiting beliefs. Look in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk.

Persevere through obstacles. Strengthen your sense of commitment. Remember the purpose behind your actions. Set reasonable expectations and learn from experience. Remain calm, and think positively.

Limit distractions. Plan your schedule around your priorities. Cut back on activities that drain your time and energy. Keep track of how many hours you spend on social media or unnecessary meetings.

Seek support. Cultivate close and healthy relationships. Ask for help when you need it, and listen to feedback.

Stay fit. Health and happiness are closely intertwined. See your doctor for recommended checkups and screenings. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and manage stress.

Welcome more happiness into your life. Your emotional state is largely under your control. Devote your time to meaningful activities, and surround yourself with family and friends.


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